Wednesday, September 30, 2009


So I was in the playground, having fun on the seesaw, just like usual, when I noticed the perfect light falling on my seesawmate, Asya. On my next turn down, I grabbed my camera out of my backpack, and started shooting. It is not particularly easy taking pictures while riding a seesaw.
(Details: 27mm lens, 1/125s, f/8, 200 ISO)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My day job

These days, I'm working for an organization called It's a fabulous website full of demographic data, laid out on a Google Maps-like interface. My job this summer has been mapping federal stimulus projects. You can get a small taste of it here, but you should go to the website for the full effect, and where you can zoom in. Type in your zip code, see what's up in your neighborhood (PA, NJ, DE, MD, VT, NY, CT; rest of New England coming soon):

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bologna, Italy

Two images today, both from the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca, on top of a mountainish hill in Bologna, Italy. I don't think you can call it a mountain, because you shouldn't be able to take a taxi up a mountain, and the path down a mountain shouldn't be entirely covered by porticoes. But, being from Philadelphia, it felt like a mountain to me.
(Top picture: 33mm lens, 1/320s, f/11, 100 ISO)
(Bottom picture: 18mm, 1/250s, f/11, 100 ISO)

A small note for serious photographers who really care too much: the focal lengths I'm listing are the focal lengths of the lens when I take the picture. I'm not adjusting for the 1.5x magnification of a digital camera. That is all.